Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fat Girl Running Update

I have been majorly slacking on my personal posts. I post all the time over at Outnumbered 3 to 1. So make sure to check out my product reviews and giveaways over there. I feel like I am living the blogging dream by being a part of their team!

I have been slowly but surely working out more and more to try and prepare myself for the Disney Princess Half Marathon. Over the holidays we moved so I took a month off from working out. So I have been really stepping it up lately to make up for it. I normally work out 6-7 days a week right now.

This week was the most intense yet. I am trying to step it up every week until the half marathon. After which I will probably drop it down to working out 4 days a week and then I will also add in more weights workouts.

Sunday: 2 miles on treadmill then 45 minute step class
Monday: 2 miles on treadmill then 60 minutes yoga
Tuesday: 30 minute cycle class then 2 miles on the treadmill
Wednesday: 2 miles on the treadmill then 60 minutes yoga
Thursday: 30 minute cycle class then 4 miles on the treadmill

Friday: The plan is 4 miles on the treadmill as long as I have no shin splints, if so then 60 minutes yoga
Saturday: Jog with a friend
Sunday: Not a dang thing

Here is my photographic proof of my best yet on the treadmill. It seems more real with a picture.

For the half marathon the plan is to jog the first 6.5 miles then do walk/jog intervals until the end. The important part is that I stay in front of the sweepers. I really really want to finish without being swept. To be able to open the parks on time Disney sweeps at every mile marker those at a pace of 16/minute mile or slower. Yikes! I will be cutting it seriously close! I wanna earn my princess half marathon finisher medal.

I am just trying to get healthy. I am not the type to sit and watch the scale. Instead my working out is to feel good in both body and mind. Hence my addition of yoga to my workout schedule. I am feeling great and no number can tell me otherwise. I want to make working out a lifestyle change and not a phase. Which is why I am looking forward to scaling back after the DPHM. I hope to jog the whole thing next year. Super ambitious I know and my inner fatty screams no!!!!  No worries, if I accomplish that goal I will surely feed my inner fatty with some candy! I have been eating well but I don't go overboard and crazy like the organic nuts out there. I do a lot of crock pot cooking. Next I want to learn how to make casseroles and bake!


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